Board of Trustees
Laura Barr - President
Melanie Raber - Vice-President
Merry Lynn Sigrist-Straits - Secretary
Jordan Stutzman
Kisha Stutzman
Courtney Sigler
Library Board members serve on a volunteer basis, and are appointed to 7 year terms.
Public Participation Policy
The Board encourages attendance at its meetings and solicits the advice and counsel of citizens in planning and operating the library. Meetings of the Board shall be open to the public. Any citizen who wishes to present a matter of concern to the Board should do so in writing or by a request to be heard by the Board. A written communication or request to be heard should be received by the library director 3 days prior to the meeting time. Written communication or requests to be herad received less than 3 days prior to the meeting time may be heard at the next meeting. The Board reserves the right to limit total public participation to a maximum of 30 minutes per meeting and the request of a single individual to a maximum of 5 minutes. Approved 8/16/92