The Public Library is a community-centered institution serving a wide range of organizations, interests, and age groups. Schools and students are an important segment of the community. With a goal of making contact between educators and the public library more effective, the Holmes County District Public Library will provide this service with an extended loan period of 8 (eight) weeks for classroom collections. The service is available to teachers, student teachers, home educators, daycare providers and preschool educators and tutors.
In order for the library’s collection to reach the maximum number of students, the following has been implemented:
Definition – A classroom collection is a group of books for use by students in an educational setting for an extended loan period.
- Educator card applications are available at all library locations. Educator cards will be issued for a period of one year and may then be renewed for another year.
- Classroom collections may be borrowed for an 8 (eight) week loan period on an educator’s library card. There are no renewals.
- Classroom collections will be limited to thematic collections of up to 25 (twenty-five) books based on current availability and demand.
- Requests need to be made at least 3 (three) days before pickup date. Requests for classroom collections will be taken from any facility in the Holmes County District Public Library including the East Branch and the Bookmobile. Requests made from the East Branch or Bookmobile may need an additional two weeks to fulfill.
- Requests may be submitted in person, by telephone, fax, e-mail or electronically through our website.
- The Children’s Services Staff at the Central Library assembles classroom collections. Requests placed at the East Branch or on the Bookmobile will be forwarded to the Central Library for assembly and then sent to the requested location for pickup.
- Requests need to include the educator’s name, school, grade level and subject/theme needed. Request forms are available at all library locations and on the library website.
- Requested collections need to be picked up on the requested date. Collections not picked up within 9 (nine) working days of the requested date will be returned to the shelf and the educator will need to complete another request form.
- Collections may be picked up early, but they may be incomplete.
- Educators may assemble their own collections as needed with or without the assistance of staff. Educators are requested not to deplete subject areas since library materials are utilized by the entire community. Requests made for specific titles may be filled from within the SEO Consortium, and may take additional time to obtain. Adult, young adult, and children’s materials may be included in the collection. Audio-visual materials, including DVDs, book on CD or digital player, and compact discs may be part of a classroom collection but must be borrowed under regular circulation loan periods.
- Books or other materials for personal use may not be checked out on an educator’s card.
- The collection borrower is responsible for books in the collection including any fines levied on late materials and for all replacement costs for lost or damaged materials.
- Loan privileges will be suspended if an educator owes more than $5.00 in fines and fees. No additional materials may be borrowed on the educator’s card until the amount owed is reduced to that limit or the entire amount is paid.
- Teachers will receive a printed receipt with the book titles listed with accompanying due dates. This is intended as notification of when the books are to be returned as well as serve as a checklist for the educator to know what materials are in that collection.
- A classroom collection cannot include interlibrary loaned items. These requests must be made separately and checked out on the educator’s personal card.
Holmes County District Public Library Board of Trustees
Classroom Collection Policy
08/17/1993, Motion #93-43; Revised 8/24/2000, #00-80;
Revised 10/26/2004; Updated 10/31/2006; Updated 8/21/2008, Motion #08-75;
Updated 4/21/11, Motion#11-42