Meeting room policy

Meeting Room Purpose

The primary purpose of the library’s meeting room is for library use and library-related activities. When not in use by the library, the meeting room is available for use by the public. Library-related activities shall have precedence over all other meetings. The library reserves the right to reschedule, cancel, or deny any meeting request.


Reserving the Meeting Room

  • Use of the meeting room must be requested by submitting a meeting room request form provided by the library, and the requestor must agree to the terms of this policy as a condition of use.
  • The meeting room may be reserved by community organizations engaged in educational, cultural, civic, political, professional, intellectual, or charitable activities or other non-profit organizations on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting use.
  • Businesses may reserve the room for staff training or continuing education; however, any other business or for-profit use will not be permitted.
  • Any individual reserving the room on behalf of an organization must be at least 18 years of age.
  • Frequency of use is limited to twice per month by the same group.
  • Meetings may be booked only three months in advance unless granted special permission.
  • Meetings must take place during regular business hours, and all meeting attendees must vacate the building prior to the library’s closing time.
  • The meeting room will accommodate up to 100 persons.


Terms & Conditions

  • Meetings held in library facilities must be open to the public.
  • Admission fees or suggested donations are not permitted.
  • Fundraising or sales of any kind are not permitted unless sponsored by the library.
  • At least one adult must be present during the meeting.
  • Tables, chairs, and equipment (if available) will be provided by the Library; however, the group using the meeting room will be responsible for the setup and teardown of tables and chairs. Tables and chairs must be returned to their original locations at the conclusion of the meeting.
  • Use of the meeting room may not interfere with normal library operations. All meeting attendees are expected to abide by the library’s Rules for Behavior & Conduct in the Library.
  • Refreshments may be served. All food, beverages, and paper products shall be provided by the group using the room, and all leftover food must be removed or disposed of at the conclusion of the meeting and any crumbs or spills must be cleaned up.
  • Meeting room must be left in the condition it was found otherwise the contact person on the request form will be notified and a fee will be assessed for custodial services or repairs to furnishings and equipment.
  • Failure to follow these terms may result in denial of future meeting room requests.
  • The library does not advocate or endorse the viewpoints or meetings or meeting room users. Use of the meeting facilities shall not be publicized in such a way as to imply library sponsorship of community group meetings.
  • Use of the meeting room is free of charge; however, the library will accept monetary donations in appreciation of this service.
  • The Holmes County District Public Library Board of Trustees reserves the right to make any changes at any time in the use of any and all facilities or equipment of the Holmes County District Public Library.

Holmes County District Public Library
Meeting Room Policy
April 15, 2021, Motion #21-27